The Best of Real Estate Designs for You Now

Eric Arnoux

It avoids the summer periods, those in which the bank interest rates are at a minimum value when the end of the Prima Casa program is approaching, the times when the payment law has already partially blocked the real estate market and any other period in which they are over requested real estate investments. The best person for this work is Eric Arnoux .

Market analysis occurs when more properties can be compared. No matter how tempting it may seem, you should never choose the first offer that seems interesting, sometimes you have to see many properties to decide correctly.

Analyze the benefits and risks

Have you just visited a building that you like and also fit in the budget? Do not forget to make a thorough and complete analysis of the space, based on its history.

Here’s what you need to check:

  • The year the building was built
  • How many times it has been sold before
  • The state of the building and any improvements that need to be made
  • Distance to the main points of interest of the city
  • Neighbors and possible events and customs in the block and neighborhood
  • The price of renting and selling the property, taking into account the potential of the respective area

At the end, draw a line and see how profitable your investment will be.

Eric Arnoux

The buying process

During the purchase process, you must pay greater attention to documents, documents, titles of property, etc., as problems and errors that may occur later, or very difficult to rectify, which involve lawsuits, time and money, can arise. Therefore, it is recommended that the transaction be carefully and competently verified by the person specialized in the field, namely the real estate advisor, who provides legal assistance on the investment.

Specialized counseling

It is recommended that real estate investments be made safely. We recommend the specialized advice that can only be offered by an expert in the field. Although you can carry out such transactions yourself, the experience and in-depth skills of a real estate advisor will tell you the word, giving you the right properties for your investment, real and profitable.

Do you want to sell a property in the shortest time, without too much effort and at a price as close as possible? All you have to do is a notice in a real estate market full of offers that are more advantageous, through a successful real estate announcement.

For this, you do not necessarily have to be a professional or use who knows what techniques and complicated sales strategies. It’s enough to have a little imagination, a few quality photos and to consider the simplest and most effective “tricks” for a successful real estate ad.

Real and attractive images

As said, the quality, attractive photos have a strong influence on the decision to buy a client. With limited time and numerous offers to analyze, visitors’ attention must be captured from the beginning. And if the first element take into consideration is the price, the second, certainly, is the appearance. The order of the pictures is equally important. Try to put the most relevant and captivating picture in the foreground, and order the rest from the most attractive, to the least successful.