Describe the patterns and competition of Passive Income.

Passive Income

Patterns of Passive Income :

That is a perfect opportunity for Passive Income if you can come up with some race card digital paper patterns. Suppose you’re going to stand out here. Because you are what the person is looking for, you will get clicked, and then Etsy will start Ranking. You will probably appear on the first page if you start getting reviews. If you use the keyword race card or digital paper because many of these aren’t what people are looking for, that’s how you would do it; another little tip is. If there is a bit more competition and you still want to try it out. They start to niche down with the specific types of words that someone might search for. So it might be You could stand out for red race card digital paper, and there’s still an opportunity for you to be seen but another little tip.

Passive Income

If you want more traffic to your Etsy store, especially at the start, and if you’re going for these more competitive Keywords. Then you can use Pinterest that a great way of sending traffic to your Etsy store. That is, again, the correct type of audience because they’re looking for patterns and they’re looking for Inspiration. They are looking for things like that to decorate their houses or do crafts with, so you can come on here and upload the Pattern you created for your race car digital Pattern. For example, as a pin and lead that through to your Etsy store, and people will come on here and search race car patterns as you’ve just done here.

Competition in passive income :

There’s not a lot of competition on Passive Income here. So you could stand out, and if they click on that, you’ll get traffic to your Etsy store. So that’s a great way to get traffic to your Etsy store at the start. So the business model of selling these digital files is an excellent way of making some extra cash. But if you want to take it up and earn a lot Passive Income from that, you think the excellent idea is to find out which of your best patterns are Selling. Most say you created a floral pattern, for example, a race car pattern or a golden doodle pattern, and it’s getting a lot of sales. You’re starting to get some reviews on your Etsy store; you’re starting to rank higher; you’re getting customers. You’ve got a bit of money coming in.

If you think the next step, the natural step is to put that cash into starting print-on-demand. So you can use a printing service like print, where you do the print on demand and send it out to your customer. that’s what they use. You can upload your floral Pattern, your race car pattern, or your golden doodle pattern onto a female vest, a top, or whatever. If you can sell that unique product, that is quick. If you don’t like that design, you can also sell it on your Etsy store. The people might spot that and say you love that Pattern. But you love that top or that dress or whatever it is that you’re selling, and you’ll be able to make a lot more profit than that one pound or two pounds that you’re making from the digital files.