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It is depressing the situation that has been going on for a long time; many media programs are saturated with various manifestations of violence, which has an extremely strong impact on the youngest recipients. They are present even in the proverbial cartoons not to mention movies, information services and, above all, computer games and consoles. The results of research carried out in the American youth environment showed that the statistical 12-year-old managed to see on TV over 100,000 acts of violence or the economic confidential reports.

For the Children

Of course, children with an overly-disposed attitude will like in action, sensational and crime films that are full of brutal scenes. After the experiments and observations, it turned out that the puppies with a calm disposition under the influence of receiving a large number of acts of aggression in the long term also became more active and aggressive in their behaviour. This confirms the behaviourists’ thesis that “violence generates violence” – the brutality and aggression observed on television becomes an element of the young person’s learning and upbringing process, shapes its behaviour and attitudes.

The Long-lasting Viewing Experience

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Long-lasting viewing of such scenes leads to a gradual softening of sensitivity to what is happening around, to human feelings. Images showing the aggression present in the virtual world create a psycho-emotional distance, contributing to the lack of a distinction between what takes place in a real situation and is unable to properly assess it. Some recent studies by American scholars show that the youngest people who watch TV every day for a very long time are enslaved and so attached to the present moment and situation that in the long run, they will not attach too much importance to relationships and people-to-people contacts. The results of these studies have also shown that people abusing television viewers have weaker eyesight and a more strongly developed hemisphere on the right side of the brain, meaning they devote much less attention and commitment to reflective thinking as well as analysis.

The media have an extremely strong impact on almost all spheres of life to the greatest extent on the world of politics. They are also an instrument for conducting educational, social and cultural activities. It is hard to pass indifferently the issue of the negative impact of mass media, in particular, television on the youngest audience. But we must also admit that they do a lot for education, promotion of culture, health, etc. The programs on nature give us the opportunity to observe individuals and phenomena that we would not be able to see in any other way. We also have the opportunity to follow the course of exciting sports events, e.g. the Olympic Games or travel to a remote corner of the world without having to leave the house. Thanks to the mass media, our life is definitely more interesting, diverse and dynamic. It is to them that we owe such a wide picture of people and the world.

The media function impersonally they do not take into account a particular person, his personality, temperament, psyche, interests, life situation, etc. Should it be recognized, however, that the way they affect the youngest recipients children and young people is greater than the impact on adults? In fact, that’s the way it is. The power and regularity of influencing the mass media on a particular unit are undoubtedly significant and is growing, especially in the group of youngest recipients who are still in the period of emotional maturation.